Wednesday, August 27, 2008

$ 1.00

I love the price $1.00. It makes me smile, it makes me want to shout and it makes me want to run to the check-out. I also just love Marshall's. The pretty plates were there for 1.oo. Why would I not buy them? Come on now. I MADE room for those pretties. My mother-in-law once said, a sale is not worth it
if you don't need it-I would HAVE to disagree.

Here's a peek at my front.
Please ignore the work on the bottom of the bookcase-One of our doggies chewed on we are fixing it & the new door that needs to be plastered and painted. Living in a small cottage and having a growing young family we bought our home with the intentions to add on. Everything is in phases. The door in the front room is a new temporary solution to a much needed problem--another bedroom.


Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy... Your new plates are so pretty! What a terrific discovery! I love finding treasures for $1 or less... it makes the thrill of the hunt even better!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful day... God bless...



Carla said...

Your front room is lovely! So are your $1 plates! It doesn't take long to fill up a place does it?

Kim's Treasures said...

Great plates...I think I hear Marshall's calling my name!
Have a great day!

Kelli said...

What a beautiful front room and your new plates are wonderful!

suzanne said...

HI Wendy, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love those toile plates. Im thinking of redoing my kitchen in black and white toile and hubby is makin me new cabinet doors and im thinking about painting them aqua. stop by and visit me again soon!!!


Hi Wendy,
The plates are so pretty and a $1.00, wow!! I was looking through your posts and your bathroom is really looking good, I love it.

Rhondi said...

Thanks for stopping by to say helllo. I'm glad to meet you! Those plates were a great bargain and they look good on the wall.
Hope you'll stop by again.
Hugs, Rhondi

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What pretty plates! Of course if I bought them for $1 I would be breaking them for my mosaics!

p.s. I am having my 300th post giveaway! Come enter!!

{oc cottage} said...

We have a saying..."I couldn't afford NOT to buy it!" ;) And I say that was $1 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell spent!

M ^..^