Friday, August 29, 2008


I hope I'm not being improper but... I think all ladies need pink toilet paper


Donna @ Party Wishes said...

I didn't think they made pink colored TP anymore. Where did you get it? Very cute!

Darlene said...

lol...Have a great Pink Saturday!!

Anonymous said...

Pink tp!? I have not seen in a long time!

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

I guess we do...although I would rather take your PINK cake on the right...

~ Gabriela ~

Carla said...


Glennis said...

Hah!! The best pink thing for us all!!! You take us back to the basics!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Seriously, where did you find colored toilet paper. I thought that was long gone with the 70's! How cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Thank you Thank God it is not my painting hand.I copied pic of your wallpaper.Did you decide which type of canvas? I have not been on Etsy yet?
xxoo Denise

Virginia said...

Wow! Where did you find pink tp, love it.
Have a Happy Pink Saturday.
Blessings, Virginia said...

LOL, this one cracked me up! When I was young I was SO smitten by a Chinese restaurant that used pink tp. I used to smuggle out squares in my jacket!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

ARe you serious, pink toilet paper? I wonder if my husband would notice?!!! Anyway, love that they have pink toilet paper. I think it could be the next must have craft item! The craft ideas are rolling in my head!

Pink Slippers said...

Hi Ladies- There is a little town market that carries this pink toilet paper. When I found it, I felt like I found a treasure. BUT, My Hubby puts up with a lot of pink but this toilet paper was not allowed. So yestersday when he was coming home, I BEGGED him to stop at the little market and buy some for 'Pink Saturday. It was 3.99 for four rolls. But now, I DO have pink toilet paper don't I? HEHE! HAHA!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny, I almost posted a really pretty pink toilet paper holder that I made once out of lace and ribbons for my post today-that would have been a hoot! O well, maybe another time.

Take Care,

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Ceekay again....I laughed at getting your hubby to pick up the TP. My husband now knows that a lot of my new purchases are for "something" on the blog. He has even surprised me with things and then a couple days later...ask..have you put it on your blog yet??? Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Well that would look grand in a pink powder room...

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Pink TP and a Husband that actually buys it!

Suzie Button said...

That's so soft and wonderfully PINK! Happy Pink Saturday!

Dawn said...

I haven't seen pink toilet paper in a long time either! Hmmm, it used to come in blue too. Were there any other colors?

Fun post.
Happy Pink Saturday!

take care,

SmilingSally said...

I remember when it came in pink, blue, green, tan, or white. Then we were told that it was bad for the environment.
Happy Pink Saturday!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Now where do you buy pink TP?...want some :)

Decor To Adore said...

I used to insist on blue tissue in my bathroom for years. I have not seen colored paper in so long.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I have some pink tp I plan on posting about for Pink Saturday's soon. :)

Tina said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog site. I will back to visit you after vacation. T

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe I had not thought of that. ;-) Thanks for the reminder.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Katie said...

Well you really "cleaned up" with this pink post! Best of the bunch this week! Chuckle!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey, I want some pink TP! Where did you get that? I never see it anymore.

How wonderful to meet another mother of lots of kids :) Yes, I have five boys!


Anne Fannie said...

Hi Wendy, just what every pink lover needs, pink toliet paper.

Susan Hickam said...

Where in the world did you find pink TP? That is a most unexpected post! Love the unexpected!

Kathy said...

I love it! Where in the world did you find pink TP and what brand is it? So cute!

candy said...

Thank you for the recent comment :)
You are so sweet.
I LOVE the pink TP!!!!!!!
Candy :)


I haven't seen bath tissue in anything but white in years! Cool!