Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Good Name Is Rather To Be Chosen

In our home, over our front room window we have a name plate for each member of our growing little family. We want each cupcake to know they are special and that their name has a meaning. A blessing too!

Proverbs 22
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Each time a new little one is soon to arrive, during the excitement I love to order the new name plate. To make it even more special my Lovey Dovey and I pick out the scripture to go with the new baby's name and meaning. As you can see, we have hammered a few nails on our wall. People always laugh that we still have more room up there. My sweetie and I think so too! Hehehe!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, VERY nice. I almost named my daughter Sophia.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Precious idea. My children had similar plaques in their rooms.

Carrie said...

You have a lovely tradition.

Carla said...

What a neat idea! And how special your husband and you CHOOSE a scripture for each child!! Very special! Thank you for the idea!

Anne Fannie said...

What a nice family tradition you have started and something that they can treasure for a long time.

Ingrid said...

What a wonderful idea, unfortunately in my home the wall would be completely empty, lol !

Pamela said...

What a lovely idea! My eye was drawn to Sophia because that's my daughter's name.

Hootin Anni said...

What a super fabulous idea. Now, tell you make them? I named both our kids and some others in our family too --they all have common names but spelled uncommonly. So, it's hard to find anything with them spelled like I spelled them or the other moms in my family. So, I'm just wondering if you found them or made the plaques yourself!

Great idea.

My show n tell is all about Fall. Starting with the fireplace! Stop by if you can find time. Hot mulled Apple Cider is being served!

A Hint of Home said...

Cute idea! I love the names and their meanings.

Susan said...

Oh this is WONDERFUL!! How very special and I love that you pick out a scripture to go with the name. Fabulous!!!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

What a wonderful idea! I bet everyone smiles with joy when they see their name in your living room.

Have a Fantastic Friday!
Kathi :)

Kellie said...

That is a neat tradition!

Sandra said...

Oh wow that is such a cute idea, how wonderful :)

My Show and Tell

Suzanne said...

My prayers have been answered. I just moved to Ventura and am looking for a church. I found you from your comment in Cindy's blog. God does answer prayer. I had the same name plates. They are great!!!! Love and Prayers,

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Such a wonderful idea and looks so nice too!
Blessings to you!
Claudia O.

Missy Wertz said...

Oh how sweet! Everyone feels special.


Oh what a precious idea!!! I'm impressed!


Kelli said...

Those are such beautiful and special plaques! Wonderful idea!