I just love being a Mommy-- With six children under the age 8. Let me be more specific; Their ages are: 8, 5, 4, 2-1/2, 1-1/2 and 4 months old. Sometimes I am busy. Did I say sometimes? Well, what I really meant was-- ALL the time. But one day, my house will be too quiet, too clean and too empty.
I love the book--'Devotions For Sacred Parenting' by Gary Thomas. If you have never read it-DO! It is great. He tells a story about how the kiddos would constantly destroy the grass and the Mom would get so upset. But the smart, wise Dad told her--"Honey, we're not raising grass, we are raising boys".
So when my little ones spill, break or ruin, I love to think, "I'm not raising an immaculate house, I'm raising children that ARE blessings!
I love the book--'Devotions For Sacred Parenting' by Gary Thomas. If you have never read it-DO! It is great. He tells a story about how the kiddos would constantly destroy the grass and the Mom would get so upset. But the smart, wise Dad told her--"Honey, we're not raising grass, we are raising boys".
So when my little ones spill, break or ruin, I love to think, "I'm not raising an immaculate house, I'm raising children that ARE blessings!
Thank you for your kind words on my blog about my upcoming magazine feature. I hope you enjoyed it!
xo Cathy
You are right! It doesn't last-it is crazy in the middle of it-it is so worth it! Thanks for sharing!
Good morning Wendy :)
Holy smokes! You ARE busy! I know what you mean about the house being empty. I can complain about the mess, but I would miss them if they were out of the house. I only have one baby left after this year and she'll be out of the house in about 6 years. The time goes by soooo quickly.
Wow you are busy!
But what a blessing!
I have 2 boys and couldnt have anymore but would have love to.
We count our blessings everyday for them they are the loves of our lives.
Hello, Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I can see you are a pink kinda girl too. Pink toilet paper.... what else could a pink girl possibly use! LOL! Hope your renovations go smoothly, as I know from doing mine there is nothing worse than not having use of a shower and bath for a little while. Eww not nice!
So true! Have a wonderful day with your family!
Love your attittude and your decorating style! Thanks for the positive vibes. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog and my charm bracelets. You are wonderful to be mother to 6children. I only had 2 but loved every minute of their childhood and beyond and now they are both married and I have my first grandchild.
Hello Wendy,
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I have enjoyed stopping by & visiting yours. You are a busy lady for sure! I had six sibblings growing up so I adore a large family. Take care & I will come by again for a visit.
Love the cartoon! I try to tell my mother the same thing when she looks at my house diapprovingly.
I can't even imagine! You must be sooo busy but you seem to have a great attitude and you are doing things that you enjoy like decorating and blogging which is so important because no one is happy if mom's not happy!
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