Friday, December 18, 2009


It is once again that time of year--
when Santa takes a trip down our street.
After a big dinner and warm chocolate pudding pie {thanks Daddy} everyone scrambled to get ready for the big event:
Santa Claus was coming!!!

Escorted by police cars with lights flashing and the occasional siren, the Christmas motorcade made its way through our neighborhood. A sleigh (a decorated trailer) pulled by a lifeguard vehicle, with a bunch of kids handing out candy canes and Santa sitting atop his great chair, stopped right in front of our house to the delight of our oldest five children who were all decked out in their pajamas and bathrobes excitedly jumping up and down and waving from the sidewalk.

The other kids from the neighborhood poured out of their houses and ran down the street to see Saint Nick in all his splendor. As all the kids crowded around his sleigh, waving and yelling with smiles as big as the moon, Santa began to have them climb into his lap for pictures. He (Santa) was great-- it was better than any visit to the mall. When everyone who wanted a picture had taken one, the lights began to flash again, Santa shouted his customary "Ho ho ho" and all the kids waved. I can only imagine what their thoughts might have been as they soon went to bed and drifted off to sleep-- their hearts must have been bursting in anticipation of the greatest of all days: Christmas.


Hissyfits & Halos said...

How adorable! Your kiddos are all precious. The local Fire Department does something similar here, but Santa sits on top of the Fire Truck. They throw out gifts to the kids. My 3 year old got a bear as big as her this year! It's great to see people giving back.

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

HOW AWESOME IS THAT???? OH, I wish Santa came here :) said...

precious, look at their little faces beaming with delight! Rachaelxo