Monday, February 8, 2010

{which were really bloomers}

I did not have to tell Pearl before church to stop showing her 'undies' because she was so excited to be wearing 'undies' {which were really bloomers} that she kept showing everyone in the house her 'undies'.

I did not hear my hubby tell her she was not allowed to show people at church her 'undies'
{which were really bloomers} because he knew that that is exactly what she would do.

I did not catch Pearl 'almost' showing off her 'undies' {which were really bloomers} in childrens church.


GiGi said...

aww how sweet! Hey, I LOVE your bed set ;). Thanks for letting me copy you. If only I would have bought it weeks ago, would have saved me HOURS of endless shopping aggravation!! Who knew it was right in front of me all along!
But now my problem is my master bath... It does not go with my bedroom. Sigh... time to re-do =)

Anonymous said...

Cute little girl! Who wouldn't want to show off bloomers! Found you from McKmama

Windthicket Fables said...

Oh, how could she resist!! I wore bloomers at her age. LOL. She's adorable. Love the shabby-chic blog, and I'm now following. Found you from Mckmama!

Sarah said...

hehe...she is so adorable and looks like quite the sweethear!


Hattie said...

hahahaha! That is too sweet! She looks sooooo cute in her boots!

Jennifer said...

She is such a doll! Cute boots! Oh... and very cute bedding! Looks so comfy. Can I come over? I promise I will only take a two hour nap.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Darling girl! Our girls always where some kind of bloomer under their dresses and skirts for church. My youngest girl who is 7 loves to wear her cowboy boots with her Sunday dresses as well!

Brandie said...

Okay but she is so cute! Who wouldn't want to see her bloomers. I love that dress and post!!

Lisa said...

I am lovin' how the pink on her boots matches the pink of that dress so perfectly!! Such sweet pictures :)

Amanda said...

I found you through Mckmama and now I'm a follower- I couldn't resist! Your little ones are too cute!

kay said...

Too Cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

We have those boots and love our bloomers too.Sooo cute.