Our dog, Stitch, loves to hide avocados from our trees in the ground. She has avocados buried in multiple places. One day, Parker and I were scanning the garden in the backyard and noticed a new avocado tree sprouting near one of my hydrangeas. We were so excited. With all the rains, the seed had popped open and a tree began to grow. Our minds started flowing with the ideas that Parker would plant tons of avocados and grow them high enough to sell this summer when the neighbors had garage sales. What a perfect plan to earn more money towards his saving to buy a computer! Remember when he made $50 selling avocados out front?
After 'bragging' to a woman from our church who used to own an avocado producing farm, we were informed that our baby trees would never bear fruit. Um...what?
Avocado trees need to be grafted with mature ones to produce avocados. Wow. Good thing I mentioned our enterprise to her....How horrible to sell a bunch of avocado trees to folks only to later find out that they would never give them any avocados?
Can a 9 year old be charged with a federal offense? Ha.
Hey....He can still sell them as a decorative plant. Just pot them up into a flower pot & bingo...he's in business again!!
Great Post!!
Have a Wonderful Week!!
Cute pic.
Maybe that is something that he could learn for science since you homeschool..how to graft an avacado tree. Maybe the lady at church would be willing to give helpful advise or instruction.
The greenery (sp?) and the grass in your backyard are beautiful!
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