{The girls}
{my little ones}
{going through the eggs after the hunt}
All last week, I was getting ready for Easter very slowly (I know it's Resurrection Day, but old habits die hard and we don't have to be legalistic about it, do we?). In the past, when we planned a party at our house, I used to try and do everything in one day and it would kill me, so this time I went through the house in stages and that seemed to work a little bit better. I don't know about you, but when I need to clean the house, I just can't do a superficial touch up-- I NEED to clean the house and I can't let it go until it's done! Oh well, maybe I go a little bit overboard, but at least it's clean!!
I think my biggest concern during the week was our childrens' church Easter songs for the morning service. I think I was more nervous than the kids and all I needed to do was model the hand motions from the back for them to mimic-- it wasn't like I was going to sing a solo in front of everyone. Maybe it was because two girls who had not practiced at all with us and came on Easter morning and decided they wanted to learn the moves right then and there and perform with everyone else. Oh! The spontaneity of youth...And they did it perfect.
After church we hung out, socialized and took another congregation picture with everyone in their Easter best. It was nice. The only person to close their eyes this time was Ruby. Ha!
We have also started a Spanish church on Sunday a couple of hours after the regular service ends-- so please if you can, please pray for it. We are excited to meet the needs of the Spanish speaking community which is around 80% of the population is a majority.
When we finally got back home, we started cooking {well hubby did most of it} and several friends from church came over along with all of my side of the family. Celebrating the mighty Resurrection day went very late with my brother and his family and my parents staying late and having a lot of great, interesting and laughable conversations. I had a great day, but the next morning, Lincoln and I woke up sick, congested and had fevers. I've been feeling like trash all week, but I'm thankful to be feeling much better and it's Saturday.
Gotta love Saturday! I do!
We have a big outreach in the community planned today to kick off a revival with a powerful pastor tomorrow morning. Please pray souls get saved and lives are changed. I am really excited...I have been wanting this pastor to come the past 5 years, but we never asked till now and he said yes!
I prayed for your Spanish ministry and outreach.
Your little girls dresses are beautiful! Just like your family.
lovely pictures of the children. may God bless all of you for your mission work...that is why we are here..right...to spread Gods love.
It is so sweet to see your children having such fun and then to see them singing. Precious!
Love the first picture of the girls together. Absolutely adorable.
I give to you today my heartfelt pride at the wonderful Christian, wife and mother you are. You inspire so many, including myself. I think of you often and tell others of what a remarkable young woman across the country does so un-selfishly for God and family. I wish for you a happy week with God's blessings above all. Sweet one please stop by as I am having a give away and would love for you to enter! Bless you, Lori
P.S The children are beautiful, the little blue crocheted looking dress was gorgeous!
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