I just recently started the 'Loved by God' Bible study for me and the ladies in our church. Liz Curtis Higgs is hilarious and brings a tangible emotional connection to the scriptures being studied.
Some day, there will be a time when my children will not need naps, feedings, changing, dressing, hawk-like supervision, training, teaching........
There will be a time when I have lots of free slots to fill. But at this time, God has given me these children to bless me, use me and leave a legacy with. I will not sacrifice them for ministry.
Some people have a hard time understanding this or even being aware of the time required to raise many small little people.
Free time does not exist.
It is a kind of sacrifice most definitely. A sacrifice I have welcomed with each birth.
I used to complain constantly during some of the earlier years of my marriage and ministry {to my family and church} how I needed to have a little 'me' time. I wanted my husband to plan getaways for just the two of us. Not just dinner dates, but escapes to far away places. But one day, God just put it on my heart and corrected my perspective.
I am a Mommy right now of a family of small babies. God gave me this family.
I wanted what God wants for my life.
Any getaways we take, we'll take as a family-- all of us. When we go to Disneyland, everyone goes-- even the littlest ones. No one gets left behind. We will do things as a family otherwise we will not be doing them.
Vacations as a family.
When my children are older, then my husband and I can travel alone. We still go on married's overnighters once a year, but the current season in my life is: family with lots of silly littles ones.
You have such a sweet perspective on life. It's really refreshing to read :O).
I pray that you have a great day filled with many giggles~
....Just a little friendly advise from one who has been there & done that.....Although I had 2 children I had one child that was a special needs child. ((very special)) All I could think of was "someday" I would have me time. Well my children are now 40 & 39 & believe it or not I long for the days when I had my hands full & no time to myself.
Empty Nest is everything it says...Empty.
Enjoy what God has given you....There is not one day you can ever get back......
Live in the here & now!!
Your perspective is right on! I was a pastor's kid growing up, and my parents decided early on that family came first. Ministry is wonderful & important, but I agree with you that it can't be at the cost of your own family. It seems that you & your husband are doing an excellent job!
Great perspective! You are doing such important work!
It takes courage to do the right thing and raise our children the best we can. It takes courage to say "no" to ourselves and others in order to be with our children. I am encouraged by your post!
Thanks for this. I need to remember this. God has given me what I have asked for, but I still find things to complain about! :( {hugs} to you for your wonderful family and your caring spirit to share it with a stranger in Canada!
I agree with you!It is hard for others to understand.It is a sacrifice,but with so many rewards.One day this part of it all will be over!I am expecting baby number six,and it is very hard for others to understand.Some can be down right hurtful.God knows better than they do.He knows what is right for my life!I am enjoying the here and now.Time will fly by!Blessings Marla
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