Monday, April 19, 2010

not me.

We were not preparing to leave church {all kids loaded in the van} and my husband locking up, when we realized that Sophia was still in the bathroom. No not us.

My husband was not casually cruising through Target the other day with five of the kids, completely unaware that our two-year old, Lincoln, had wandered off and was lost in the women's clothing section {all while I was taking one of our girls to the bathroom}. We NEVER lose our kids. No, not him.

Starting last Sunday, I did not eat out every night except Friday-- and that included 2 consecutive days at Denny's. No, not me.

I did not make my husband spend $10 more on a gigantic birthday cake {which we only ate 1/3 of} for Lincoln just because it was the only one with strawberry cream filling. No, definitely not me.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


The Burgess family said...

Hello there! I always love it when I come across your blog while I'm linking around (today it was thru MckMama, not sure how I've found you in the past), because I also have a little Pearl. My daughter is 2, she's our youngest of 3. I love your kids names. Remind me of them all again? I believe you've used some of my other favorites in addition to Pearl. What names are you considering for your next baby? Congrats, btw ;)

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

Wonderful "not me" post!

I enjoyed reading it.

Blessings on your day.

Shawna Lee said...

Stopping by from Not Me Monday. I haven't ever lost one of my children in Target either.

Heather said...

Sounds like fun and the cake sound delicious - definitely worth the ten dollars.
Nice to meet you.

In Everything said...

Love your Not Me's!! So real:)

Great to find your blog...

I'm another homeschooling pastor's wife... and I"m preggo as well... but at 37 weeks, hoping my #4 comes soon!