Saturday, November 19, 2011

staying here.

It's Saturday and I'm not running around to 2 different football games and dance classes with 8 little ones. Nice.

Instead-- I'm looking forward to next week for our Thanksgiving break. Hubby is home and there will be no rush to open our books.

I do plan to decorate for Christmas so that I can take our family Christmas picture on Thanksgiving Day. It's kinda been a tradition (taking a family picture) that the kids dislike because they know I get a little nutty for that perfect picture.

You know, the one where everyone, even our one and two year olds, are smiling brightly, sitting straight and looking directly at the camera. Right?

The one where all ten of us are looking smashing?

Well, at least they all know what to expect; Mommy saying 'one more or smile' a few hundred times and 'stop fooling around'. I love these days.

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