Thursday, May 10, 2012


Around here we love gardening.

Even the little ones.

I thought it would be a ton of fun to grow those gigantic sunflowers. I have always loved looking at them, but have never had them in my garden.

So--I decided to buy the seeds and have the kiddos do a little home schooling 'germinate sunflower seeds' project.

It wasn't anything complicated: we wrapped the seeds in wet napkins, stuck them in sandwich baggies and taped them to our school room window.

Within a week, there were little green shoots appearing. We ended up planting them on the side of our house in our vegetable garden.

I absolutely love our {little cottage} vegetable garden. It is one of my favorite spots outside. If no one else is, at least I am excitedly anticipating watching the enormous sunflowers sprout.


Unknown said...

How fun, I can't wait to see them :)

Julianne said...

I love sunflowers! When I was younger my mom and siblings and I would plant them at the beginning of the summer. Instead of always asking mom when school would start again we used the sunflowers as a measurement and knew that when they reached the height of the gutter on our house it was time to go back!

Kathy said...

Great idea Wendy!!