Thursday, March 1, 2018

his first passport.

Last night was bittersweet. 

I spent a little part of the evening helping Parker fill out about seven different forms. 

As we finished, I put my hand on his and kind of jokingly said I just helped you fill out forms to become an adult.


I knew this time was coming. The next chapter. But it's not easy.

I know some parents are eager for their kids to move out. Not me. I really like this kid.

We spent this morning at the passport office getting him a passport for a big trip he's taking to England and Scotland with a small group from the church that Chris and I were sent out of. 

It was really hard for me to say yes. Ugh. Such a Mom. 

Our Pastor and his wife are going, along with Chris' mom and Parker's two cousins who are seniors as well.

I'll need a lot of prayer while Parker's on his trip. I had all my 'what ifs' which I spilled all over Chris when we were deciding to let Parker go.

Having a Mom's heart sometimes hurts and makes decisions complicated. Especially considering the world we live in today.

But God is always God and decisions become easier when I'm reminded that Parker is in His hands and in His care.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

I will add Parker to my prayers. Asking God to protect him, for Parker to be a witness to the young that God is real, willing and able to enrich their life.
He is being a faithful that will go far to reach the younger generation!