Friday, November 8, 2013

A Heart for the Lost.

I'm really astonished about the awesome young man Parker is and has been becoming.

I'm really proud of him and even the things he has conquered and gotten victory over in the past few years. Being a boy in this day and age is really tough.

In a world saturated with immodesty and compromise, Parker refuses to be part of the norm.

He truly wants to take as many people with him to heaven as he can. He has a heart for the lost and a loyalty to his friends doing everything he can to make sure they get a chance to hear the gospel. Even his coaches.

Parker shared with Chris and I some of his witnessing strategies during football practice.

I mean this kid is pulling altar calls in between drills.

He made sure he used his time on his football team wisely. There probably wasn't one kid who didn't hear the good news and get invited to church. His head coach and one of his teammates even came out to one of our monthly music scenes. Really cool. Mostly to a 13 year old who invited them.

My kid is a prize. And I am one proud Mama. I couldn't pick a better kid to be the trail blazer in this family.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

Shepherding your children is commanded by the Lord, you both are serving Lord by following the word, Parker has great roll models.
My email says at the bottom, all we can take to heaven is what we leave her on earth.

God's blessing to you and Chris.