Thursday, December 5, 2013

I had to use substitute pictures in this post.

Our family Christmas picture was taken on Monday night. And today the Fed Ex man should be delivering them.

I absolutely love our Christmas card this year and I’m so excited about it that I wish I could share the pictures on my blog today-- but then any friends or family who read my blog would see it.

This turned out to be one of the easiest Christmas pictures I’ve ever taken and we were having so much fun doing it, using the tripod and self-timer, that some of them were chanting to take more.

This has never happened before and the complete opposite is usually the case with kids complaining the whole time. Stink faces.

So whether or not anyone else appreciates my creativity, this year's picture was a unanimous winner in this house. Praise God!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Can't wait to see it! :)