Friday, June 13, 2014

we love summer.

For me and the kiddos, summer started right before Mother’s Day.

As the head teacher, school secretary, daytime janitor and assistant principal, I’m allowed to end school a little early. I count it as one of the blessings of homeschooling.

My kids were super happy [Of course!].

The weather is always perfect in May [whereas June is typically overcast and gloomy-- June gloom] and I wanted us to be able to enjoy it.

When we weren’t going on a outing, taking mini-trips or having church events, we were spending our days outside, which is actually my favorite place to be.

Another added benefit of the nice weather is having most of our meals outside on our picnic table under the shade of the umbrella. No kitchen floors to clean-- what Mommy isn’t excited about that? And the kids really do enjoy it too. It’s like camping.

And now, as of yesterday, Daddy is on Summer vacation too! Yippee! Let the good times roll!! 


Vivian said...

good to hear news from you!

Kelli said...

Yay a new post! Your yard is beautiful...a child's dream. Better yet it is filled with love.
Happy Saturday!

Unknown said...

Great pictures!!!:)