Monday, November 9, 2009

Two days after Halloween--
Some parents don't even want to think of costumes.
I was the Mommy who used that day
to buy dress up costumes for play.
What great deals! Some were more than 50% off.
My little ones don't need retailers to tell them when to play dress up!


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sweetie!
I love this post. The costumes are the best aren't they? I did the same thing buying several princess dress up outfits for our youngest grand daughter. I want to buy a little chest and put the dress up clothes in there for her. I am also going to add a few necklaces and rings, and shoes. She will love it.

What a sweet Dorothy you have, and Star Wars, and it looks like a Rambo to me. Love them all sweetie.

Thanks for sharing. Country hugs, Sherry said...

What a great family! I think you would love the Quiverfull Family Directory. Go read my vision for it and please register your family and spread the word in the quiverfull & large family community.

jay seville

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Your blog banner is sooo cute... I love how the kids are in the pics and your pink slippers too.

Michelle just made my Flea market banner...she is so great.

Love your new look :)