Thursday, February 11, 2010

booster buddies.

These two finally got their car booster seats in the mail. Sophia was a little disappointed that she was being demoted from a backless booster to one with a back, but I reassured her that she would love it and that is was much safer, so she kinda warmed up to the idea.
Let's face it: Safety to a kid is sometimes meaningless.

However, when the UPS man came with two huge boxes, and one of them was for her car seat, her outlook immediately changed. Needless to say, she is smitten over her new booster and it's all good as far as Charlie is concerned. Just to answer a few questions.....I bought Pearl {2 1/2 yrs old} & Lincoln {1 1/2 yrs old} the Graco Nautilus; Sophia {5 1/2 yrs old} & Charlie {4 yrs old} the Graco turbo boosters. Click here to see the community thread I read and discovered all the amazing information I had never heard before.


So Who Is The Crayon Wrangler? said...

Love the picture! Regardless of her initial outlook, she looks so proud!

Kelly said...

What are Ethan and Parker in?

Jean Stockdale said...

What great pictures. Blessings.

Hattie said...

Their little smiling faces in the second pic are too cute!!!

*Katy* said...

Thank you so much for posting that thread! I'm going this weekend to get new carseats for my cousins.