My poor husband has no chance when I become a Mommy with a revelation. I had no idea that even though my kids were in 'legal' car seats/boosters, they were not even close to being as safe as they could or should be. My epiphany occurred late one night as I followed a car seat thread on a blog community forum. My whole life changed with my new knowledge on car seats.
The next day, I spent an excessive amount of time writing back and forth to a car seat technician. She asked me to send my children's heights, weights and torso lengths to her and in return, she determined which seats my kids should be in.
While my husband was at work, we had several phone calls during which I tried to convince him that legal seats did not necessarily mean 'safest'. Convincing is just what I did, but the poor man had to dish out some big money and buy all new car seats for 4 of our sweeties. I helped him feel better by alloting a portion of it from some of the serious birthday money the children will receive from the grandparents. {Sounds like the gov't borrowing from the future...}
Now my children are all in the safest seating arrangements possible, and I am one happy Mommy! And of course, my husband is one heck of a nice guy for putting up with a few of the things I am so adamant about. It's not like he doesn't want the safest for our children, but he doesn't think it's necessary to take it to the extreme that I might. I know that no matter what, God is in control, and ultimately, I do trust Him to protect my family, but I think it also makes sense to treat the precious Gifts He's given me with as much care and concern as possible.
Isn't it crazy how those "regulations" don't necessarily equate to safety!?
Your pics are adorable :) my 4 year old loved the fact that your little girl is wearing the same stripey socks that she has :) (snuck out of naptime and joined me at the computer-little monkey!)
Gorgeous pics...!!
Im doing my car seat research at the moment, I have a new bub on the way and so much has changed since my twins were babies. I looked at the supposed safest ones voted, but the childs head is so restricted by padding that when older looking out the window would be impossible...
I agree!
It's legal for a 5yr old to ride on a school bus with no seat belt also. That doesn't mean it's safe, but it sure is legal. I'm glad somebody else spends excessive amounts of money on carseats!
Children are such precious gifts we should keep them safe at all costs xx Your husband sounds like mine, xxr
I'm curious about which carseats you bought for which size kids? Cutie-pie kids!
Ok... so who is this technician that you got all this info from? I have always been freaked about carseats. I wanted the best carseats for my kids. However, I was thinking that cost probably didn't mean they were the best, so I just bought some at Wal-Mart that looked good. I would love love love to know what seats are really the best for my kids!
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