My children have a cool Daddy.
He always wants to wrestle. {almost always}
He never yells. {never}
He shoots off rockets with Parker. {because he did as a little boy}
He teaches them about character. {not selfishness}
He lets the boys use his real tools. {I would never}
He can build almost anything. {Remember our tree fort}
He can cook some good food. {and let's little guys cook alongside}
He is strong. {Put a lazy boy in our attic with a little of Parker's help}
He is smart. {If Mommy doesn't know, Daddy will}
He loves God. {The most important}
He will always sacrifice. {for the kids & me if we have a need}
He buys us pizza every Wednesday night for dinner. {our kids like this}
We have now learned that Daddy can do puppet shows too. Wow.
What a man......
I am glad we both have some great husbands.
awww, how sweet!!!
Sounds like a man who loves the Lord~
how God blessed you!!
You are soo blessed...not only with a 'beautiful family' but also with an amazing husband ... I love visiting your blog ..You not only have beautiful children, but you also post great pictures of them... I think they should do a reality show of your family. :^)
Hugz ...Betty
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