Thursday, December 23, 2010

master jasper.

And......why do I own a bassinet?
Has this little boy ever slept more than a few minutes in it since the day he arrived?
I don't even know why I had my husband take it down from the attic...
We may just put it away again...
It'd be nice to free up some space...


Kim said...

I hear ya on that! I had one that each of my babies slept in for maybe, oh, 15 minutes. Total.

Merry Christmas Wendy!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Oh, sweetness! It is funny how after several kids you start to realize what is necessary and what isn't!

Merry Christmas!

Cheryl said...

Hi there, Hope you are all having a blessed Christmas Season! We are getting rid of our bassinet altogether! We will sale it at a used baby store. I found something else that we will purchase for our next little gift at walmart. It is made by fisher price and is about $40!
May God Bless your family this Christmas and in the New Year. ~Cheryl

Marla Grace said...

he reminds me of my newest little boy.dark hair, and adorable!He comes out of bassinet beside bed, and into my bed!:)