Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Picture post:

why my husband is the best daddy


Marla Grace said...

Sweet picture!

Unknown said...

You are truly blessed! Beautiful family!

*Katy* said...

What a sweet picture! What kind of baby carrier is your husband wearing? We'd like to purchase one before our baby gets here and would love suggestions!

Typical Suburban Family said...

I loved when my hubby would ear the baby like this. Love it!!!

Susan Evans said...

Oh, I remember my husband wearing our kids... So sweet!

stefanie said...

our family loves the Ergo, too! very sweet photo -- lovely to see papa in on the babywearing action!

Visiting from Natural Parents Network!

Stratoz said...

excellent moment to share

Unknown said...

LOVE IT! I have a GREAT giveaway going on for babies at my blog :)

Momma Jorje said...

That is a sweet daddy! Gotta love it when men wear the babies. :-)