Monday, February 14, 2011

a whole lotta love.

my 8 little valentines.


Marla Grace said...

Great picture!What a great idea.All adorable. Your oldest looks like my oldest covering his face. My oldest is almost twelve. He does very well with little ones, though starting to have less patience with. Starting to want to be by himself more. You inspire me!:)

thechattymommy said...

The Best Valentine's gift ever!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Rachel said...

Such a cute picture! And if I haven't said it before-your little ones are all just adorable. :)

Mrs. Frogster said...

ack - so cute! What a great photo of all the littles! I am impressed that they are all mostly looking at the camera. :)

Iphigenia said...

They are beautiful and precious. You are blessed!!!

*Katy* said...

Those are some PRECIOUS Valentine's :)

Lori said...

Oh my has Jasper grown! And Ruby with her blankie, too cute! As always such a beautiful bunch of love! Lori