Friday, September 2, 2011

the first week.

Our homeschool days are back in swing around here and the sun is finally shining now that August has flown past. Of course. Well-- that's why homeschooling is so great. Today we did the pool first, then lunch and then school, all before 3pm.

This is my husband's first week back in school-- (this is the bad part about having a teacher for a husband: Yes, he gets the summer off which is more than most people, but I get so used to him being home that me and the kids go through withdrawals when he returns in the fall.) So far I have survived the morning routines, including an avalanche of toast crumbs covering the floor under the kitchen table.

I wish the weather would stay warm and the cold days would never come, but I have little to complain about in regards to the weather here on the coast of California compared to some others. Even though I admire beautiful Fall days and Winter time, deep down it's the warm weather that resonates within my soul.

My favorite time of the day right now is to be outside, early in the morning watering the vegetable garden. It has become one of those soothing, sacred moments for me. The kind of moment which brings a sense of beauty and peace to my heart.

On another note: The success our small vegetable garden seems to be having is just amazing to me. And the very fact that God worked into His plan that we could grow food. We could take part in creation. It blows my mind sometimes. And I'm happy the kids are just as excited about the garden too.

1 comment:

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Yes, growing our own food is such a wonderful gift from the Lord...beautiful smiles on your little guys cute.