Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oh Happy Days Coming our Way.

Last night my Husband's Dad arrived from the East Coast. Everyone is excited for his visit. He will only be here for a couple of days, but we love anytime we get to spend with him. Though it does remind me how much I miss my Dad.

Chris took the next two days off work and I always love when he is home. Having my favorite person around is a win-win for me. I can never spend too much time with him. And I can be confident in saying he feels the same way.

Our neighbor gave us a handful of footsie pajamas and Ruby and Jasper just love them. I even had Sophia and Pearl ask if I would buy them some for Christmas. I told them I would.

I usually have my Christmas picture planned out in my head the minute I am done taking last year’s, but this year, I am racking my brain with many ideas spinning around. We usually take our Christmas picture during Thanksgiving break so I need to figure things out.

This week, my Hubby is preaching a revival down at my brother and sister-in-law's church and this Saturday we are heading down there for some revival outreach. It will be awesome because we’ve got a great group of people from our church who will be going down to do what they do best. We really do have an awesome church family.  And that’s extremely important to me.

And then, to top it all off, during the week after that, we have an old school evangelist from our fellowship coming to our church to stir things up and preach a revival for our congregation. I am super excited.

Oh-- I forgot to mention that I’m also looking forward to our Safehouse music scene on the 23rd at our church. Our 3 oldest are involved in it and I love seeing them participate in ministry.

And this is all going to happen before Thanksgiving week. Seriously.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Will you be posting your kids Christmas lists like you've done in the past? They're great fun to read!!