Sunday, June 15, 2014

my man.

Last night after going out to eat with my brother and his family at the Golden Corral (where we all, not me of course or my SIL, gorged ourselves beyond what would be considered proper), me and the kids sang my husband and their bomb Daddy-- Happy Father’s Day.

Ya know it’s a rendition of Happy Birthday, but we changed it for Father’s Day.

It made him feel extra special. And that’s what we want-- for him to feel extra special.

He is my dream of a husband except for those couple things that I still want him to change. Ha! Ya know like.....

Besides that, he is my compass, my BFF, one who inspires me and loves me even when I’m not lovable cause I do have days like that.

He is, I think, the best Dad I know. And my kiddos would say the exact same thing. I am sure of it.

Not to mention that he is still as hot as the day I married him. Happy Father’s Day to my man!!

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