Thursday, February 12, 2015


Okay-- after Tuesday night’s post, I decided to wash all my hospital things the next morning. That would be the baby’s going home outfit, blanket and my new hospital pajamas. I still have to decide what I’m going to wear home from the hospital.  
Alas, Sophia and Ethan caught the stomach flu today, but Parker and Charlie are still bug free; they are the only two holdouts. 
Chris and a couple guys from church worked till 12:30 am last night doing some last minute work. 
I HAVE to drop off three of the boy’s sports health forms to the doctor for tackle football sign-ups and Parker had his last basketball game last night-- he started track today. 
Even though I haven’t talked much with the basketball coaches, I’m going to miss the whole basketball thing and its familiar faces. 
It’s crazy how attached I get. 
I believe in establishing relationships-- and I can be somewhat territorial about them. When I meet someone, I instantly begin to link our lives in more than just a superficial way. 
I believe that’s how God is with us-- 
He wants to have a sincere relationship with us and others, one that will last till the day we die. 
We have lost the idea of faithfulness, loyalty and friendship. Family. 
We live in a culture where those words don’t mean what they used to. We’ve gotten to the point where we just walk away from friends, marriages, children or church family the moment we decide we don’t like something. 
We never even stop to consider if it’s really what God wants. With this mindset, I wonder where our society will end up. So much farther from Jesus I think. 

1 comment:

Vivian said...

reminds me of the Israelites and how God wanted them to have to have the very best in a land made of milk & honey...but they were never happy complaining...never having gratitude for the blessings they had. It is all about relationships!
He just want us to be His people. Isn't that precious.