Thursday, May 28, 2015

my appointment.

I am struggling. Things didn’t go exactly as planned. 
My orthopedic doctor was the nicest, older gentleman-- most thorough, and very cautious. His decision was to keep me in a new, molded soft cast and take two more x-rays over the next two weeks to make sure nothing shifts before putting on the hard cast. So much for getting a pretty color... 
He cautioned that if the bones move, it would require surgery which sent me into a mental tailspin. I’m not handling this pain and injury thing very well. 
The new soft cast now goes around my elbow which is more restrictive. I may have a bruised or fractured rib as well considering the pain I have in the middle of my back under my shoulder blade. It hurts to laugh, sneeze, move at all...  This has made it very difficult to nurse Jace. 
I admit. I am struggling. I think about just quitting and putting him on formula even though I don’t think that’s best for him. 
We are undergoing a spiritual attack on our family’s health. Chris has now been to the emergency room twice in the past two weeks (with me and Pearl) and almost went today with Ruby who broke out suddenly in some horrible looking rash not related to Pearl's. (He ended up going to our family pediatrician.) 
Thank God he had taken the day off to be with me... 
The truth is that we are an unusually healthy family through the grace of God and so this is somewhat strange territory for me. I know there are many with significantly worse problems and my heart goes out to them, but it’s still hard for me. 


Amy Joy said...

Ugh broken bones are just no fun. I have broken my arms 3 times, and once it was my dominant arm. I am praying for a swift recovery and not too much pain!

Vivian said...

praying for you, your family to heal. thank God for a wonderful husband.

Unknown said...

Praying LOTS of prayers for you all!

Lady Vee said...

I will keep u in prayer! Sounds like a definite attack from hell!:/ u will be conquerors!!: D