Thursday, November 12, 2015

our day today.

Today we got back into our school books after having three sick days and one holiday off. It was a little difficult to keep focused with eleven kiddos who all want to talk, play, hang out, build legos, paint....but somehow I survived the first day back and even had hot cider during story time with the kids. 

Since Jace has had a fever for the last few days, he is now programmed to sleep in my arms all night and refuses to be put down during the day.. the little stinker. Thankfully, through his fever and stomach bug, he kept nursing. So thankful! 

Hopefully he’ll remember how much he likes sleeping in his bed and how he likes to crawl around and play.

I can’t wait for Thanksgiving. We have been burning our new banana nut candle (I found it at Walmart for like $3.75) constantly and listening to Christmas songs on Pandora. I love the season and how it breathes old-fashioned love and family into the air. 

I started reading “Together: Growing appetites for God” by Carrie Ward and didn’t believe it could be done with so many littles, but I have really made an effort to follow her idea and read a chapter from the Bible aloud with all the kids. 

I am really shooting for everyday, but sometimes it’s just not doable. And at the same time, I’m working on not being too hard on myself if we skip a day or two in a row. As long as we keep at it in the long run. 

I’ve also bought some great children’s books for my 3-5 year old children’s church class since we’ve had a huge growth spurt in the number of kids coming regularly. My kids are the most fortunate because I want to familiarize myself with the story and start by reading it to my own kids first. 

Not to mention two other dinner devotionals that we do intermittently after our dinners. We finished our ‘little visit’ book so long ago and I am so glad to have found not one, but two great replacements. Here and here.

Well, this Saturday I am planning to take our Christmas picture. I’m all ready and can’t wait to see how my idea comes to life. I get pretty crazy about the Christmas picture and my poor kiddos know it. They seem to be in happy spirits this year about it as long as we don’t have to spend a day during Thanksgiving break taking it. So I promised it will be relatively painless and quick. I hope. 

By the way-- I’m embarrassed to say that we went to eight stores (yes, 8) to find Thanksgiving plates and napkins for our Thanksgiving fellowship meal at the church. Either they were completely sold out or never had them to begin with-- Walmart, Costco, Marshalls, 99¢ Store, Family Christian Store, JoAnn’s, Hobby Lobby and finally Party City. But we got’em!

And... Charlie and Parker started basketball this week. 

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