Tuesday, February 11, 2014

church hunting.

We have been looking for a new building for our church. Tonight I stumbled upon a building that stood out to me.

As I read the listing, it just kept getting better and better. As I rattled off the building’s specs (and price of course), Chris’ ears began to perk up.

He is hard to please and not willing to settle for just anything.

He became so interested, in fact, that even the kids sensed that something unusual was about to happen. And it did.

After our late dinner-- Charlie had a basketball game, we piled all ten of our children dressed in their jammies into our 15 passenger van and headed for the ‘New’ church.

They were super excited to go look at the building-- like ‘jumping out of the car once we pulled up’ kind of excited.

Chris peeked in windows and drove around the parking lots and neighboring streets.

We liked it.

We really like it.

Please pray for us that God will either open the door if that’s where He wants us or He’ll make it very clear if it’s not. Hubby even called the realtor to set up an appointment to see the inside.

Fingers crossed and eyes up. 


Unknown said...

Oh how exciting, praying !!!!

Delilah Medina said...

Exciting!!! Can't wait to hear what the future holds. :)

Kathy said...

That looks like a great building! Will be praying for you guys!

Vivian said...
