Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tallulah Sunshine is one!!

Today was a fun day. We celebrated our beautiful little Tallulah Sunshine!!

From the minute she woke up, we have been singing her happy birthday through out the day. Her reaction has been to sway back and forth, smiling, clapping and singing her own version -- and we all go crazy cheering for her when she’s done.

For her birthday, we decided to head to the beach. Today was her first time and she absolutely loved it!! It didn’t surprise me since she’s gone hog wild for the water on our last two vacations.

I was surprised to find that she just could not get enough of the sand. She loved laying, tasting, rolling, raking, throwing and best of all being buried in the sand. Tallulah was all over the place running and laughing. It was like she was saying “I’m free!!” Ha!

Sophia was a great play partner making holes and bringing water onto the sand for Tallulah to play in. She even buried Taloolee (Talouly, Talluli)-- and when she unburied her, she had a tantrum until she was buried again and left alone.

After a good lunch and nap at home, we decorated and cooked bbq chicken wings and a number one cake as our grand finale.

Lula is such a fun baby. She has a big personality, and currently says words like Mama, Mommy, Dada, Bible.... she sings and thrives on the sound of any music playing.

She loves being outside and being a busy bee.

Her best friend is probably River and me right now. She expects me to be her couch {she wants to sit on me} 24 hours a day and completely loses it if I have to get up for even a minute.

She loves being cuddled, held and loved on.

During her quiet moments, she can be found looking through several books absorbing everything. She is super smart and amazes me with what she can mimic.

Her middle name “Sunshine” really does describe her. Tallulah is everything I could ever wish into one bundle of blessing.

She’s very stong-willed and wants to get her way, but I don’t mind ‘cause she can light up a room.

And tomorrow: It’s Ruby’s 5th birthday!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Happy birthday Tallulah!

She's darling!


Unknown said...

Happy birthday sweet beautiful birthday girl!!:)