Friday, November 21, 2014

jasper turned 4.

Jasper turned 4 on Nov. 11th

It’s really neat because his birthday falls on Veteran’s Day every year so Chris and all the kids have the day off from school. Jasper feels great that his birthday is a ‘holiday’.

The morning of his birthday we did have to rush out of the house early because I had a quick prenatal appointment. I was in and out quickly while Chris and all ten kids waited for me in the car.

Afterward, we all made a trip to Toys R Us. The kids were all armed with a pencil and a pad of paper to go through the whole store and add to their Christmas lists.  Since we don’t have cable/tv, the kiddos don’t really have crazy “I want” lists of the latest new arrivals from watching commercials. So after we went through the WHOLE store, we celebrated Jasper with his request...Panda Express and Egg Nog cake.

I can’t believe he’s 4 years old. This little guy is the one who climbs into bed with me the minute Chris and the older kids leave for 6am prayer at the church. And before bed, he makes sure I get my goodnight kiss saying “I love you alot alot alot alot alot....” You get the idea. And I can’t forget when, out of the blue, he tells me that I’m a nice girl. I love my Jasper!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Sweet. Happy Birthday to Jasper!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


Unknown said...

Awww such a sweet post:) Awesome cake! Love the picture of Jasper and River they look like best friends.