Saturday, November 22, 2014


I have recently rediscovered one of my once favorite things: pomegranates. I love them.

Sure, I drink pomegranate juice regularly, but have not eaten the actual fruit for years. I remember being a little girl and my brother and sister would show up with pomegranates that they had picked off trees in the neighborhood.

I did plant one in our backyard several years ago and have seen many flowers over the years, but never one fruit. We even moved it to another location in our yard in an attempt to stimulate fruit production. Both spots were sunny and the warmest locations in our yard. But no pomegranates. I even thought that maybe I should buy another one and try again. Still a possibility

--but instead Chris found some at one of the local Mexican markets he shops at for so cheap. He’s been bringing them home for me and their so good. I didn’t even stop to consider that my kids would like them, until I found them hovering around me as I quietly tried to enjoy one at the kitchen table one afternoon.

After a few of them tried it, they all wanted one of their own. So when Chris dragged me to the market after we dropped Parker off at practice, we ended up getting 10 of them for about $3. I thought that was a great price.

Some kids who just HAD to have one ended up not liking them at all and others, like Ruby, ate theirs and wanted to finish everyone else’s. Even Charlie, who is one of our picky eaters, devoured his. 


Katie said...

That is a bargain price! My grandfather in law has had a tree on his yard for years with no fruit (we are in south Georgia), but this year it made 2 pomegranates! My 6 year old nearly ate a whole one herself.

Hopefully your tree will catch on one of these years and surprise you all. :)

Unknown said...

Thats Awesome they are soooo good for you! I love them on a kale salad with a lemon dressing, it's like eating healthy sour patch kids:) I'm a little lazy, I buy them already out of the shell. Whole foods has them like that and so does Costco!

Anonymous said...

I lOVE pomegranates too. :) My children love them too. We have to pay 2 for $5 here so I guess you get a good deal. :) They are a rare treat but they are so yummy.