Thursday, March 12, 2015

the show must go on

Since Easter will be here in less than a month and I just had Jace two weeks ago, I found myself in a little bit of a pickle. Not to mention-- I have caught a cold. Ugh. 
I wanted to make sure my 3 to 5 year old class, which has grown by a couple more children, would be able to preform on Easter morning. And since I love putting on puppet shows, I wanted to have my older kids perform that too. 
Needless to say, it’s a lot to come up with songs, hand motions, props, etc. when you’ve just had a baby.... I was feeling overwhelmed. How could I possibly do it? But I was driven and found my answer. 
Over the weekend Chris, me and the older kids had a puppt meeting and brainstormed ideas. One of them said it felt like we were having a creative meeting for a tv show. 
At first, I wasn’t sure how the Easter puppet show would come out, but suddenly, by the grace of God, my creative ideas started rolling in. God never disappoints. 
And for my preschool aged kids, Sophia, Pearl and Charlie are such super stars that they learned the hand motions and moves for the little shepherds class so quickly and promised to teach them the songs during service while I’m not there. Wow. 
I’m so thankful that they are willing to teach my class their Easter songs and help me out. What a blessing. The show must go on!


Vivian said...

really i don't know how you do it..but i am a grandma and you are a young mother...!!
God Bless

Unknown said...

Your Amazing!:)