Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am going to be very honest here. Please don't tell my MIL, though. She just might not be able to handle it if she finds out. When I write about the number of my children as "seven and counting" what I'm really saying is "YES!" We do want to have more children...I mean blessings. My husband and I have never done anything to prevent this from happening-- other than nursing my babies.

It seems that I usually get pregnant around 4-5 months after having a baby, naturally. Two weeks after Ruby {our seventh} was born, I told my husband that I would love to have another one, even so soon. He wasn't that surprised or knocked for a loop. His belief is that as long as it's centered around God we're alright. I do not remember growing up thinking that I wanted a large family, but ever since I gave my life to Him in 1999, it's been a desire that is so unlike me that it's got to be Him.

And so now, I must admit that for the first time, starting this month, I want to TRY to have another baby. I'm not so good at predicting and guessing when the best time might be so we'll just keep doing what we've always done: Praying and leaning on Him. I understand and agree that every child is a gift from God and there's no guarantee just because I would love to have one.

What does this mean that "we're trying", since we're not really doing anything differently from what we've done in the past? I guess it means that this time, I'm actually making a request-- I'm asking. So we'll see, right? And we'll know soon enough what God's plans are for me in this area. I'm praying for only God's will and timing, not mine.


Cindy said...

Children are a precious gift. We had 5 but if I could have 5 more, I would!

Unknown said...

How AWESOME is that! Praying for #8 so you can catch up with us! HUGS!

Hattie said...

Hi I just found your blog! It's too cute and so is your family! Wow 7 & counting. God blessed your heart & filled it!

I want to try for a little girl (I have 4 boys), but I haven't told my hubby. I don't want him to go into shock! Ha!

Anonymous said...

We have eight blessings and our #8 was born eight weeks ago.We would love to have more if God will bless us this way again.We lost two in between our two year old and this baby and if made her even more precious to us.May God continue to bless you as he sees fit.

FieryCanuck77 said...

I'm so excited for you! God has blessed your family so much and I would love to see (virtually) and hear (lol) how He continues to do so. I would love more children (I have 4 right now. We've lost 3 though) but struggle with finding out what's right and what God desires. But mostly I struggle with some family and friends who don't agree. :( How do you do it?
Lots of {hugs} from Canada!

Anonymous said...

you're such a good mother and an 8th child would be very blessed to have you :)

Lisa said...

Children are truly a blessing! Our families would FREAK out if they knew my attitude towards receiving as many children as the Lord sees fit to give us. We are on #3 and everyone assumes this is our last...

I told my husband that I would be done when he felt it would be time for us to be done, but so far neither of us feels that our family is complete.
Blessings towards #8!

Rachel and Family said...

You are one fertile lady! Go girl!
My children are 2-3 years apart, naturally.

Good for you! I hope you will have your blessing.

Mercy Langille said...

I truly admire mothers who have large families and are able to keep up with all that it entails. I'm sure that if the Lord wants you to have one more He will give it to you.

carrie said...

I'm a fellow mom of 7 and just found your blog. I know too well the worldly (and extended family!) pressures against having a big family, but in the end, it's between you, God, and your husband. I laughed at your van post....we find ourselves in the same situation, squeezing in our suburban and knowing the van is in our future! Praying God will bless you with another miracle!

La Familia Garcia said...

What a beatiful family you have

Jessa said...

I just found your blog from McMama. I am in awe, jealous :), inspired, by your words on this post. We have 4 children and I would love to have more. At the same time, I'm just not sure physically (we homeschool)/financially how we would keep up. (And we live simply - it's just that we are on one income.) Also I will admit that I dread the comments that are sure to entail - "you must be crazy!", etc, etc. Best wishes to you! You are blessed!! :)