Thursday, February 18, 2010

just ask.

There seems to be some interest in picking my mommy brain over a variety of issues and its been suggested that I provide a Q & A forum/post.

So here's your chance-- if you'd like to ask me a question, I promise, I'll do my best to respond as honestly and as accurately as I can.

Okay? Leave your question in the comments and I will make sure to dedicate a post this Saturday answering what you really want to know.

Ladies, start your engines...


Anonymous said...

Question..... With the children so close in age & so young how do you find time for yourself?? I mean like a creative outlet, crafts etc......
Love Ya',

Betty said...

I don't have a question ... I just want to tell you how sweet that picture is...Your hubby looks like he's so in love with you ...which I'm sure he is.
You are blessed.
Hugz ...Betty

true blessings said...

okay here we go.. Can you do a post about your daily routines about everything and how do manage to be slim after 7 blessings oh and how do you organize your home with 9 souls under 1 small house .

Kriss said...

I would love to see some more wedding pics! I love the one on your side bar but it's so small. -kriss

Kriss said...

Oh and I do have a question regarding your first born. You mentioned at one time he was born before you married your husband. Do you have to share custody of him and how does he feel about being away from his other brother and sisters? Does he consider your husband dad?

Pink Slippers said...

good will be surprised at the answer.

Anonymous said...

You are a pastor's wife I see so please explain to me what it means where it says in I John HOW CAN WE SAY WE WALK IN THE LIGHT YET HATE OUR BROTHER?

Tanya said...

What denomination are you? I saw in a previous post y'all attending a Greek Orthodox church for an event, but I didn't get that from other the your blog!

Lisa said...

okay, I'd like to pick your homeschooling brain...we're starting our oldest in kinder in august and i need some help! do you go thru a school (christian or charter?) what curriculums do you use? how do you teach older ones with little ones afoot, what things do you wish you knew when you first started? I could go on and on...but that's enough for now :)

Anonymous said... engine is started! I've been enjoying you and your blog for sometime now, however, just been a quiet "lurker" until now! The more I read about you and your precious family, the more I like you! I wish I had the privilege of knowing you with skin!

That being said, would you be willing to reveal where you live? I don't mean too specific, but maybe your county and state. If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere in southern California (where I live!). Your rain days fell the same time as mine, unlike the snow other blogs post about.

Thank you and looking forward to Saturday's post!!

The Mama

Hattie said...

Questions...What kind of routine do you have? How do you stay organized? What do you do to stay looking so fit after all those babies? (I have 4 and look like a hot mess!) What hobbies or things do you like to do just for you?

ps - Love the pic! True Love!

thechattymommy said...

Ok- I have many questions, but I can't stop laughing about Hattie saying she has had four and looks like a "hot mess"! She basically just described me! Thanks for the laugh Hattie- I feel you sister!

Ok Pink Slippers-
When the kids get sick, do they all get sick? Do you always have to be the one to stay home with them since your husband is a pastor (can you tell I have been missing church because the kids have been sick- lol)
How big is your church?
Do you have a lot of responsibilities as a pastor's wife? Does anyone one babysit all your kids for you and if so how often?
I love your blog and may have some more questions tomorrow! Thanks Pink Slippers!

Pink Slippers said...

Chatty Mommy--
I LOVE your questions!
Can't wait to answer them.
Hot mess Hattie? (((laughing)))

Rachel and Family said...

I'm curious how much time you put into your church, if any? Like helping your husband and stuff. Do you lead any ministry programs? (besides childrens' everyday in your home ha!ha!)

Krista said...

I'm new to your blog, so no questions yet, but I think you are a peach and enjoy reading here!! I look forward to the answers some of the others left, tho...

And 7 Hats off to you!

mrs boo radley said...

I don't have any Qs to be Aed, but that is a darling picture of you.


Mercy Langille said...

I'd be interested in how you run your house with so many small kids, while being able to homeschool them all. I only have two little ones but I feel there are never enough hours in the day to get anything done.

I think your blog layout is very pretty. That is what first attracted me to it. Did I ever tell you that? Not sure, but anyway, keep the posts coming.

April said...

Your schedule... from when you wake up till you go to bed. I have 3 kids and it's like I'm still trying to perfect a routine.

Also, if you could hit on other general topics like cooking, cleaning,etc...and how your able to fit them in.

Love you blog and your decorating style!

*Katy* said...

I don't have a question...I just had to tell you that that picture of you and your husband is adorable!

kay said...

I love your blog! I know I say that every time. Yours is the FIRST one I read everyday. My question...have you ever thought of writing a book...someday? I would be the first to buy it! :)


Lori said...

No question either, just wanted to agree with another reader. Yes indeed, you can just feel the love your husband has for you! Wonderful! Also your children are so beautiful! Lori

Amy said...

Hi! Just wanted to say I have been lurking on your blog for a few months now and I love it. I have always been fascinated by large families and how they run. You and your family are beautiful. Looking forward to reading the answers to these questions! *hugs*

GiGi said...

Hello! I have one. I can relate to you and how much you LOVE your Little Yellow cottage. With each welcomed child, do the walls get closer? Do you see yourself moving in the future? Or does the love for your home keep that thought off your brain? Will an extension be added?