Your kids do not need anymore siblings. You think your kids bring you attention. I am very blessed with the children I have. But, spend time with the children you already have. Quit thinking about constantly being pregnant!!!!The real reason your having them is you want to be a hoard and you know what? You seem to need attention!!!! Get a life!!
Anonymous said...
It is not a crime to have children at all. I'm just saying that she needs to care for the ones she already has. To be constantly wanting to be pregnant and dwelling on having another one goes a little to far. Women's bodies are not designed to have that many. Can they put them all through college?? Exploiting your family on the internet is another thing!! Children need alot of care and attention.
Anonymous said...
I think you have enough kids to worry about. I am a christian and believe children a blessing. They are what life is all about. But, I think people like you are hoarders and you think they get you attention. I don't agree with that. You have SO MANY beautiful children to love and care for!
1. I want to be a "hoard"? Wow, I never thought of that. I guess I need some clarification-- how many do you have to have to qualify as a hoard? Is four a hoard or five? Or maybe you think it's six... can you imagine how different the world would be if everyone only had the politically correct number of children. Think of all the astounding accomplishments of just the very few folks listed below and how much impact these children of hoards have had.
George Washington was the 5th of 10
Ben Franklin was one of 16 children
Celine Dion is the youngest of 14
Johann Sebastian was number 8
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (the greatest composer ever?) was the 7th of 7
Enrico Caruso was the 18th of 21 and may be the greatest Italian tenor ever
Here's a few celebs: Mel Gibson has 7
Mark Wahlberg came from a family of 14
the Jackson Family had 9 kids
and what about the Osmonds-- they had a bunch
2. Exploiting my kids? Are you nuts!!! When you exploit someone, you take advantage of them for your own personal gain... I started blogging to chronicle the events of my family as my children grew up so that when they're older they can look back and see! It's like a digital photo album which I will someday print out for them as a keepsake and momento. I've never received a cent from my blog and if I never do, it won't stop me from blogging. By the way, my kids love all the pictures I take of them.
3. A way of getting attention? Are you kidding? Do I have several thousand followers that I'm trying to keep following my blog in order to generate revenue? I do appreciate the wonderful ladies that follow my blog and encourage me, but the truth is, even if no one read my blog, I'd still be doing it. Read answer #2 again if you're not getting it.
4. Send them to college? Is that the measure of how good a parent you are-- whether or not your kids go to college? Oh, what if they only go to a community college, then I guess that doesn't count as much as if they when to a really good school. If your kid goes to an Ivy League school like my husband and his brother, then that must mean that they had the best parents... Do you even realize what you're saying? What if you only have one or two kids, but you can't afford to send them to college like the thousands of students at the economically poor high school where my husband teaches? Does that mean they all had bad parents and have no chance of success in life?
Have you really thought about what you wrote? Your values and the values me and my family hold are not the same. Yes, education can open many doors for a person, but is that the most critical measure of person's life? You and I live in a world influenced tremendously by people who never even graduated from college-- can you say Bill Gates? What's more important anyway-- character or education? What about all the corrupt politicians with Ivy League degrees? What about all the filthy rich morally degenerate celebrities who influence our youth? I would much rather have a dozen children who love Jesus whose names are never known outside their families, than have one financially successful, Ivy League, advanced degree holding morally bankrupt son or daughter. Wouldn't you?
The simple fact of the matter is that God determines the size of your family if you let him. Any further objections you may have, you'll have to take up with Him.
P.S. A Woman's Body is not meant to have that many children...The more children you have and nurse, the less chance you have of getting breast cancer and the less chance you have of cancer in your reproductive organs. By the way-- if you're a Christian, then here's some Bible trivia for you: The first mom, Eve, the mother of all-- how many children did she have?
Definitely dozens, and probably hundreds. Who do you think got the world's population going? Through careful study of the scriptures you can see that by the time Cain was banished for killing Abel, hundreds of people were already on the earth. These were Adam and Eve's other children. Serious Biblical scholars and commentaries would agree-- a lot of kids.
We know a pastor who's grandmother gave birth to 21 children by two different husbands-- one died so she remarried. The woman lived to the healthy and vibrant old age of 103. When people would ask what the key to her longevity was, she would tell them: Having so many children.
Just a thought...
I will be the first to is your life, you answer to God...not to anyone on this earth.
You are raising your children to be godly..and serve God...that is the purpose of man.
I only had 3...and for me it was right...for me...only me.
Well said! And congratulations, BTW, on the eighth beautiful little blessing!!
Congrats on the new little one on the way!
I come from a big family (there's 10 of us. We're a "Yours, Mine, and Ours" situation.), and we are CONSTANTLY having to deal with people making snide remarks about our family. Here's my opinion: what business is it to anyone else what goes on in your bedroom? Quite frankly, that's what this is. This is someone sticking their nose in your reproductive habits, which is NOT where their nose is needed! Sheesh!
I'm just plain sorry about rude people. Why do they read your blog if they don't enjoy it. Good luck to you and yours and keep blogging!
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I just can't see how having so many children to raise. It is everyones choice to raise however many they want. We do share the same values I am a devote christian and love children so so much. I devote my life to my children. I just think children need alot of love and attention. If you can spread yourself between them all you are a supermom and I truly mean it. Sorry again if I came off sounding rude I didn't mean to at all. I used the wrong choice of words. I am truly sorry!!!!
Ignore the negative comments. I think motherhood is one of God's most awesome gifts. I love your blog. It is so sweet and the pics make me smile everytime. The children are beautiful and precious. God bless your family. Congratulations on being pregnant with your 8th little cupcake!
Maybe people are skeptical about your choice to have more children due to the economy, yes all those people you mentioned are from large families, they were also born...a very long time ago. In our modern times we are taught that the norm is two kids per family, because we are also taught to put finances in front of fertility instead of the other way around (which is messed up). You are breaking the mold and it's pretty awesome. Keep doing what you feel is right. You seem like a very caring, warm mom and your kids would be lucky to have another sibling to play with.
Anonymous, the damage is already done. You came off sounding rude, not one time---but 3 times (assuming you wrote all three entries under "anonymous"). Perhaps you are having a bad day, or something difficult is going on in your life, but my advice, would be to NOT post a comment on a blog if you are taking issue with the owner or are in any way negative. A blog is someone's personal diary, and they have every right to what they say and believe and do (thank God for America). The old adage applies: "if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all."
You are entitled to your opinion, but not to spread it on someone's personal blog. She's not writing it for you, me, or anyone else. She is ALLOWING us to read if we find enjoyment, insight, or in my case: keeping up with my family. You DO realize that this blog could be "private?"
Do what millions of other blog readers do when they don't agree with the writer's opinions: move on. Find another blog to read that better suits your opinions and values. But don't bash Wendy. It's not productive (you won't change her mind about having babies), and you just get yourself riled up :)
I'm saying this as kindly as I can. I hope you find something worth reading that suits you better.
I am so very excited for you all! I'm sure the children are ecstatic. I sooooo wish we lived closer so I could come celebrate with you and help you when the little one comes---perhaps for your 10th ;)
I enjoy your blog immensely, and the children like seeing the pictures of their cousins. I must say I fight envy over your little red-heads! My father is one of Chris' relatives that has the red hair....and we don't have barely a stitch of it around here! Oh looks beautiful on your children, and I love seeing them with it :)
Stay healthy, and enjoy every moment of these next 9 months!
You shouldn't have to defend yourself, your life, or your actions. Another child is blessed to have a mother like you and family that is so caring and loving.
some people don't get it. They won't. But I think what you wrote was perfect! Before I even read your whole post, I thought, "wow, has it ever occurred to these people that maybe her (yours, Wendy!) goals are not theirs? That she (you again!) value things they don't?" So, well put! I'm sure you will always come across people who will disagree with your family size, and I'm sure it didn't suddenly start now with your 8th pregnancy! (I know, because I get stares all the time and I only have 4 children!) God has you and your family in His hands!
Your comment about all the other people that Cain had to be fearful of...I always assumed that they were from other tribes. That Adam and Eve were the first people, but the first of God's Chosen people. I think there is a lot of debate on this subject though.
Congratulations on this 8th blessing. May you find this pregnancy gentle. {{{hugs}}}
Hi Wendy, I'm sorry that you have had to deal with other peoples views which they wish to impress upon the whole world...sending you a hug in congratulations of the new littlie to come....I love coming here and reading and getting a smile from your really is a sweet blog and makes my day a little lighter. Thank you for sharing with me and others ..hugs
shelley p
from over the pond
Hello! I am a Christian too. I think it was big of anonymous to write back and apologize for his or her statement please forgive them for upsetting you.
My mother in law was number 8 of 16 children. Back then they had large families to move from farm to farm and do crop work .
I think it is awesome that you have a large family. My hat is really off to you for homeschooling too!! Congratulations on the new baby too!!Keeping a blog will be a permanent record for you to reflect back on and will bring you much joy!!Thank you for sharing with us!!
God bless you richly!
children are a blessing and not a curse. if your womb is filled with 50 children and your husband agrees with you having 50 children then let the God who fills it see you rejoice in his blessings. what a wonderful gift to be able to have babies. we have 4 and prayerfully will have more. waiting patiently for more
I think it is amazing you are doing this because it is what is meant for you and your family. I think someday they will really enjoy how you chronicled your time as a family. Don't worry about what others think and say. You do and be what you are called to do and be. That is all that really matters.
wow!! people really are sickening aren't they? it is YOUR life; its not like you are blogging for handouts from your readers!!
i praise you for wanting and be able to raise so many children. you are patient and loving; i am waaay stressed with just 2, but that is MY choice.
ignore the ignorance of those in this world; they have NOTHING better to do with THEIR lives ♥
Pay no mind to rude, ignorant comments from "Anonymous"-es. Why should your family affect them in any way? I think you are doing great!
Are you kidding me???? There were really these comments????? What is wrong with these people????
I know you already know this but I will reiterate....It is your life & yours & your husbands decision.
Some people just have nothing better to do than to inject their negative opinions..... My Grandmother used to say...If you can't say something nice than say nothing at all!!
I for one am excited for you.....
Love you to pieces!!
Good for you and shame on those women who said those horrid things to you. Women WERE made to have children or we would not be born with uteruses.... Those are just self-centered women who have been indoctrinated with shameful selfish, egotistical empty philosophies...
Those are the people who would kill a human to save a bird....
God bless you and your family and ALL the children that will come....
If everyone listened to THAT way of thinking, the bible as we know it would not exist as ALL families were large THUS resulting in JESUS!!!!!
As others have stated, you just need to ignore what some people say. You know that you are doing what God has called you to do - and that's all you need to worry about. I couldn't help but think "Amen!" when I read your responses!! I'm just sorry someone had to say such things.
I think some of you are making a big deal out of nothing. It sounded to me like this person is a mother and love kids just as much as Wendy does. I think her main concern was having so many young children to look after and was worried that their needs were not being met or she thinks that Wendy will burn out. She did come across rude but she did say she was sorry.People are over reacting a bit. Just my opinion
Good for you!!!! I have four children of my own and can't wait to have more! You go girl!
Looking forward to reading about your pregnancy and later your birth story.God has given us eight so far and I would love alot more.These little ones give me so much joy.:)I know we will never be lonely.
I love the comments on what famous people we know came from big families. So awesome!
And to the nay-sayers - like Mama always says, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all."
I have been reading your blog but do not think I have ever commented. I say CHILDREN ARE A GIFT FROM GOD!!!!! The fruit of the womb, look up scriptures and see just what God says about children. To me and many others claiming Christ as Savior, there is no doubt God considers children a gift and a blessing, so if anonymous has chosen to turn away gifts, there go also the blessings of such gifts.
I could write a book about my husband's and my regrets over heeding the advice, nay, admonition of "church authorities" and Pastors to have a small family so we could be free to minister, or whatever...and we learned too late the folly and evil in such advice. God blessed us with 3 children and now grandchildren, but we will always regret following the advice influenced by the times, and not the wisdom given in the Bible.
Congratulations on your many blessings and may there be many more!
I'm excited for you!!! I love your blog and check back daily to see what's going on with your little cupcakes. I think sometimes we see big familys (such as the duggars) and it seems so different from our own that it must be difficult. I know for myself friends that have one versus the three I have, say things like "How do you manage to run to the store" or "How do you manage to do this or that?" Well it just becomes a way of life and were capiable of doing much more sometimes than we give ourselves credit for. Because I want to be honest though, when I see woman that have lots of children the infertal in me gets very sad. All of my children are adopted and while I know that God took us down a different path, I often wonder why some can have so many and another can't even have one. Yet at the same time I am so excited for ya! -kriss
I was so tickled when I saw your counter showing that you're pregnant again! Congratulations!!
WAY TO SAY IT! I am a mother of 5 8 and under we home school too and I am praying for another baby as soon as God sees fit ( our baby is 15 months old) I really enjoy reading your blog! All the best with your new one!! my friends can not understand me either they wonder why we don't space our children, what if we miss out on having a child or 2 just cause we were trying to take things into our own hands! I am all for just seeing what God wants to Bless us with, (my husband is just now starting to feel that way, an answered prayer of mine) I really think if we follow God and trust Him he will give us the strength for whatever we face.
Your family, your business, can't imagine why people would think they have any right to judge you in any form! Congratulations!!! I love your blog, think your cupcakes look like the happiest adorable-st little ones out and that you are an incredible woman!!! God bless - Rachaelxo
Dear Mama to 7 (almost 8) cupcakes,
I think it is quite amazing that you have brought such wonderful gifts into the world! And to imply that your children can't get all the love and attention they need because there are in a large family is...well, rubbish. I find you simply amazing! Your response was beautiful and well-put. And I agree, it was brave of anonymous to write back and selfless of them to apologize "in public". But none of us should judge them, just like none of them should judge a mama for how many children she has!
Praying for a smooth pregnancy!
God bless!
PS - I love the pics of Sophie...there's something about her little feet as she jumps and twirls that is too precious!
I am utterly shocked and appalled at the insenstive women who call themselves Christian and Americans. They are a disgrace to all womanhood to not support one of their sisters. I, nor anyone else has any right to tell you and your husband how many children to have. I deeply apologize for those unfortunates who have tried to hurt you and your family. May God bless and keep you all. Sending you love and all my respect. Lori
Well said. I think you have a beautiful family and wonderful blog. I have 4 children myself and would have had more if I thought I could afford it and could keep up. I have always loved big families though. I think you seem like awesome parents and your children are doing just fine. Who cares what other people think? Congratulations on #8 too! Children are always a blessing.
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