Thursday, January 13, 2011

little me

Just last Saturday....

my husband was trying to get some work done on our classroom when he heard me telling the kids how I wanted to organize the house.

You know, doing the stuff that makes the house feel a little less chaotic.

My husband & the kids tore the 'boys' room apart and put it back together minus a lot of broken and useless toys.

I kept busy in the front room and my bedroom decluttering, organizing and moving large pieces of furniture around. With the weather warming up here, I almost fooled myself into thinking I was Spring cleaning.

As the day was winding down and the sun was setting, Pearl kept asking me when I was going to organize her room.

I told her as soon as I get time.

Then she asked me a zillion times on Sunday-- but with little ones taking their naps, I just couldn't do it.

My parents came Sunday afternoon and with my Mom seeing how crazy the room looked, I woke up Monday morning ready to grant Pearl's wish.

After I told Pearl I was going to organize her room, she started to squeal.

I mean really squeal. She was soooo excited.

Let me just tell you that Pearl's room was really not that out of control; It just needed that mommy touch.

When Daddy came home during his break, she ran up to him in sheer delight telling him that today was the best day ever 'cuz Mommy was gonna organize her room.

Pearl loves order. Pearl loves cleaning. Pearl loves doing things Mommy does around the house.

So as I moved furniture, wiped walls and put things back together again, Pearl was having the best time working along side of me.

Have I told you Pearl is only 3 1/2?

She seriously is just like me.


Marla Grace said...

Too funny!I am going to start the same here.How great your Husband helped out!:)Your little one will be a big help if she likes everything in order.Yeah!

thechattymommy said...

She is too cute.
The pictures of the kids with the kitchen set look they should be on the side of the kitchen box!
We had the same kitchen and it ended up in the boys room because the girls weren't using it- I planned on painting it- love pink- no that manly to have a pink kitchen in a boys' room, and I never painted it, so I sold it at a yard sale!
Now - what do you think the boys keep asking for?

A kitchen set!!!!!

too funny.
I emailed you again- not sure if I have the right email address.
Email me if you can.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


That kitchen and outfit are precious! What a wonderful help she must be to you, and just think of it as she gets older! God always knows what we need when we need it!