Wednesday, February 22, 2012

c + w.

I have a husband who is amazing.
I know that God knew the perfect man for me to marry and I am so glad I trusted Him in this area of my life. Even though I'll be the first to admit we've had some serious hurdles which only God could've helped us overcome, I now see that at the same time, God was refining us through them all. Chris is my best friend. Someone who I admire more than any other person. Someone who is as strong and tenacious as my Dad was. Two things I admire in a man. His relationship with Jesus being first. There is no one in the world I could think of that could hold my respect and love more than my husband. He is always consistent and always steadfast. And loves Jesus more than anything. And desires to always honor Him with his life.
I don't tell him enough how wonderful I really think he is.


Unknown said...

SO SWEET! I bet Parker took that one, quite a little photographer.

KathyB. said...

I love posts like this, a woman praising a man who loves Jesus, and the man is her own husband & the father of all the beloved children God has placed in your care. Praise Him, He is so good to us!

Kate @ Bliss and That said...

You look beautiful!!!!

L said...

cute! =) What a wonderful post.
Glad you linked up to the Wiegands =)
Much Love,

Katie said...

Beautiful post :) You guys are adorable together!!! My husband and I are best friends too... isn't it fun being married to your best friend? I love it :)