Saturday, February 25, 2012

a package of spices.

I am constantly amazed at how each one of my children are so completely different. Yet obviously, each one of them is a little bit of me and a little bit of Chris. All stirred up in the right amounts perfectly made by God. I love each one of my children. They are amazing, kind and beautiful. Each has and holds a significant place in my heart. Every time I think about what it would be like without one of them, I realize how each one fits so perfectly into the fabric of our family. They each have such a unique impact on me and my husband, and on their brothers and sisters as well ...we needed a Jasper...and a Ruby....and a Charlie...and so on......each one of them adding a special spice to make a really fabulous family. My family. My children. My blessings.

1 comment:

Thoughts for the day said...

They are so adorable, you are blessed.