Wednesday, February 29, 2012

school, kids and calendars.

Countdown....59 more days left of school.

And daylight savings begins in 11 days.

Things have been very good this school year-- I have even kept up with recording grades and records. Whew!

I love how no matter how hard things may be, there's always the next year to improve. And now, I finally have found my home schooling groove.

Next year we'll have a new kindergartner schooling along with my 4 other students. And I think she'll be fantastic at it. But I don't know what poor Lincoln and Ruby are going to do with out their adventure guide, big sister Pearl, while she's being taught her lessons.

Until then, just a few events to mark the way: Hubby's birthday in a month, baby and 3 kid's birthdays in April, mine and Pearl's in May, bible conference in June and my 10 year anniversary in July.

I feel really blessed by God.

1 comment:

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You are so blessed, Wendy! I love that you know it and are thankful.
