Thursday, May 17, 2012

give a little piece of your heart {link up}.

I know that this may not come as a surprise to you, but I have nine children.

Sometimes it surprises me.

At times it catches me by surprise and causes my heart to go into free fall. An internal panic attack.

Oh my gosh-- what kind of world am I bringing them into? Do I now have nine times the worry? How will the world impact my precious children, and their children after them?

There are so many things that could possibly happen to them, so many things that are out of my control...

It is at this point that I take a deep breath of faith
and return to my sure foundation, to the Rock of my life.
I ask Him, "Why?"
"Because this is My Purpose for you," He says.
I respond, "How?"
"With Me all things are possible," He replies.
I say, "I can't."
He answers, "You don't have to. I will do it through you."
"But for what?!" I cry.
"To declare the Kingdom of Heaven to all they meet with their lives," He declares.
"I understand," I say. "Thank you."

Within the typical day or week so much occurs that is insignificant, only lasts for a moment or is thankfully forgettable.

Ugly, dull, irritating, tedious moments surround us,
yet nestled somewhere in the midst of them,
Heaven speaks to us and brightens our day.

"Give a little piece of your heart" is a
link up for you to share one of those moments:

An epiphany arrived in the darkest hour,
an inspiration guiding you in God's purpose,
a ray of sunshine that touches your heart
as you look across a garden,
or a peaceful moment in the quiet of the early morning
with a little one nestled in your lap and a hot cup of coffee in your hand.

It really could be anything-- it just has to be significant.

This is what {giving a little piece of your heart} is.

Share a thought, a picture, a story
giving us all a glimpse into your heart.

{To make it easy for visitors, please link to your specific post}


Unknown said...

I am so excited for your new link-up :)

Frugal Jen said...

What a beautiful post!

Mellissa Rose said...

I read your blog often (I found you on The Chatty Mommy) and was able to link up today. Thanks so much for doing it!

Vivian said...

love the new format!

jessica kiehn said...

This is so powerful and so true...thank you.