Friday, May 25, 2012


I wish I was a Southern country girl.

I enjoy pushing my little ones on the swing.

I love drinking lemonade.

My favorite is watching my hubby work in the garden.

My heart is happy and full when I watch my children laugh and run barefoot out back.

Horses are my favorite animal and while growing up, I owned a few.

I could live in cowboy boots and a skirt.

My Dad and I use to listen to all the good country songs while we drove together.

My dream home would have a wrap-around porch with old fashion rocking chairs.

I don't ever want to be called Mom. When my children feel they are too old to call me 'Mommy', 'Ma' would be just fine.

Country gardens make my heart sing and are candy to my eyes.

I would live on a river in an old plantation home.

And I would even learn to make my own pretty dresses.

I wish I was a Southern country girl.


A Restful Place said...

Me too!!! :)

The Farmgirl said...

Hi! I've been lirking around your blog for quite a spell!Thought it plum time I said HOWDY! You have a very beautiful family and your priorities of God, husband and family are a blessing to behold. I third the motion that I would love to be a Southern, country,cowgirl-boot-wearin' kind of gal. I get a few strange looks when I do wear my boots around these parts, but that's ok! Keep up the good work of raisin' them young-uns for Christ....Teresa

Theresa said...

That would be my dream house too!

Unknown said...

I am a country girl stuck in the city :) I miss so much about small town life. Truly it would be unbearable except I know God has called us here! I don't like being called "mom" I try to get them to say mama. A lot of southern mommies are called mama. I still call my mom that when I am feeling tender:)