Wednesday, April 23, 2014

potatos or potatoes?

We just celebrated a few birthdays and with a family of twelve, they are always exciting.

 Daddy was first, then River turned 2, and Lincoln turned 6.

 Next week we will have Parker and Ethan (turning 14 and 11) celebrating theirs on the 28th and 29th with Pearl on May 3rd turning 7. Whew!

I always get a kick out of the idea that Lincoln and Pearl are both 6 years old for a couple weeks.

The weather has been just wonderful so we've been outside daily.

And we had fun cleaning out our vegetable boxes-- I challenged the kids to compete over growing, tending and watering their own vegetable boxes. A little competition is good.

Right now we have asparagus, cucumbers, potatos, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, artichoke, pomegranates, apricot tree, plum tree, apple tree and grapes. We can’t forget our two large avocado trees, but they hardly require any care.

Hubby blessed me last week with a shopping spree at my favorite nursery. I could go there everyday. Good thing it's not too close to my house. I love it there... Always finding a new flower or shrub to fall in love with.

Some of my kiddos have a love for gardens too while others just like to pick all my flowers off. Ugh!

Anyway, school is almost over and we are excited to the point where we're having a hard time focusing. But with 30 more days left and living in California, we get to do school outside.

Birthday Pictures to come--

Resurrection Day pictures to come--

I love my little family....I'm excited to start blogging about them once again.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

thanks for the update!