Wednesday, March 3, 2010

excuse me.

Where is this child's mommy?
He's using his nite-nite as a plate.
Wearing only a diaper.
Standing in his sister's highchair.
Helping himself to the full vine of grapes.


Bunny said...

Too too adorable. Love it they are priceless moments in your life to remember. Happy moments that make you smile. Enjoy

Hattie said...

Too cute! You can tell he was so proud of himself with that huge smile he has on his face!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks absolutely self-satisfied!!

Anonymous said...

I think you have enough kids to worry about. I am a christian and believe children a blessing. They are what life is all about. But, I think people like you are hoarders and you think they get you attention. I don't agree with that. You have SO MANY beautiful children to love and care for!