Saturday, September 11, 2010


I am not too proud to say we had a big thrift store shopping spree the other day.
We spent almost $70.00 in 2 stores and scored.
We scored big time and I am proud to say it.
I love the thrift stores.

(Parker looking sharp with thrift store finds)


thechattymommy said...

When you go, do you write a list of what you are looking for or do you just buy good deals?
I am asking because I find when I go to thrift stores or yard sales, I find good deals, but not stuff I neccessarily need.
Like maybe shirts for myself when I could of used pants and have a ton of shirts.
I want to see more pics of your finds.
Spending $70 at 2 thrift stores is definitely worth a long post, don't ya think?
Have a good weekend!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your kids are all so cute!

Anonymous said...

Very handsome outfit.