Sunday, April 29, 2012

sunday's kitty.


Friday, April 27, 2012

somebody got a haircut.

We took four of the boys to get their shaggy sideburns and moppy hair cut off.

Instead of having my hubby cut and leaf blow Jasper's hair (don't remember? click here), we let him have a "professional" six dollar cut.

From the moment he got into the barber's chair, big crocodile tears swelled from his eyes and rolled down his face soaking the apron over him.

But as soon as his brother took him by the hand and brought him back to the car, he wanted everyone to see his cool new cut.

With his new hair style, it makes his chubby cheeks even cuter.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

baskets and a hunt.

A couple weeks before baby River was born, I wanted to take care of the Cupcakes' Easter baskets and egg hunt candy.

It was just one of those things I wanted crossed off the "before baby comes" to-do list.

The birth of little River was perfect in its timing since we were able to spend the one night in the hospital and be home with our children on Easter Sunday.

Whenever I have had a baby, I want to leave the hospital as quickly as possible and just be home with my children, hubby and the new baby. I always have withdrawls being away from my kids-- call it separation anxiety. And I want to be in my own house snuggling baby without nurses, technicians and doctors bothering us every 30 minutes.

Anyhow--- my kids were delighted that when we got home from the hospital with their new baby brother, we still had plenty of time for Easter baskets; We did actually postpone our egg hunt until Monday morning. The kids didn't mind and the following morning, we had a wonderful breakfast and had a roaring good time Easter egg hunting.

I'm so thankful that we were all able to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together as a family, and even better was that River had his first Easter with all 8 of his siblings being loved and snuggled. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

before baby.

We had an awesome day (weather-wise) during spring break to go on a little field trip to the science center. We knew that we needed to get it in before the baby came and this was the perfect opportunity. We were inspired to go really because it was Lincoln's 4th birthday and he wanted to go see the flying Rah-Rah (dinosaur) movie at the IMAX.

We managed to get out of the house around 10:30 am with bottles, sippy cups, snacks, drinks, lunches, diapers and everything else we could think of like extra clothes in case someone blew up their diaper.

We had lunch in the fantastic rose garden by the fountain and can you believe it-- no one fell in.

Everyone had a great time and there was quite a lot to do and see from mechanical and technological things to creatures and habitats.

One of the kid's favorites was the "Hurricane Machine".

They also enjoyed the IMAX movie since we all had to wear our 3D glasses and we got these giant bags of popcorn.

And maybe the best part of the whole day was that my Hubby and I enjoyed a couple of iced coffees as several of the kids knocked out and napped while we chitchatted on our way home.

And the traffic wasn't too bad either...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

coming out.

When River's head began to crown, my husband said that he got stuck.

He could see that I was REALLY pushing (all I could think of was, "Get the baby out!") and he was aware of our doctor's movements which seemed a little frantic.

I had felt pretty strongly that this baby was going to be on the bigger side-- almost all the others were around 8lbs and only Parker was over nine-- so I wasn't that surprised that it was difficult... and painful.

My husband said afterward that he could see the doctor trying to get his hands around the baby's head to pull him out, but it wasn't working.

At one attempt to pull River out, I screamed because it felt like my insides were being yanked from my body and it became clear that River's umbilical cord was draped over his shoulder anchoring him to my placenta. So when the doctor pulled, he was pulling on my placenta as well. This wasn't working.

My husband said that the doctor reacted quickly cutting and clamping the umbilical cord on both ends, then proceeded to get River out. When he emerged, he was not moving and was very purple.

Lincoln had come out purple as well and had given my husband quite a scare-- so he said that he was not going to lose heart or jump to any conclusions this time.

I couldn't really see what was going on and was just trying to catch my breath and regain my senses somewhat while the nurses got River moving. Thank the God of Creation that he was alright!

Also unknown to me, when the nurse had cut back and clamped River's cord further, my husband said that she had turned to the doctor and said, in effect, "Did you see this?" To which he just nodded.

There had been knot in his cord as well. He did remain very purple in his face from bruising due to his quick and forceful exit while his extremities were very pale, but again, thank God that over the next hours, he took on a healthy color and was checked out as 'doing just fine'.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Your
rod and your staff, they comfort me..."

Monday, April 23, 2012

labor and delivery.

River's birth was nothing short of excitement and pain-- I had determined at the beginning of my pregnancy that I would have a natural, non-medicated birth, but within minutes of my first contractions, I was thinking about how I might get the epidural. But let me backtrack a little here...

At about 12:40 am, I awoke from a deep sleep when my water broke. Fortunately, I was able to react quickly enough to get to the bathroom {mostly} in time. I wasn't exactly sure that this was what had happened until my contractions started shortly afterward. They were more intense than I remembered and quicker too.

My Husband convinced me to hurry up and get in the shower while he timed them. Two minutes apart. Wait a minute-- weren't they supposed to start off slower than that. Like 8 or 10 minutes apart?

Something was definitely different than the other times. I couldn't even move either!

This was really bad since I needed to blow dry my hair and get some last minute things together. Never mind the fact that my overly laid-back husband hadn't yet packed. To his credit, he was able to get everything I needed, prod me into action, make sure the house was in order, call up a friend from church to stay with the kids, and get packed rather quickly.

He really didn't have much choice because I was yelling at him that my body was instinctually starting to push the baby out and I could not stop it for the life of me. I told him to call 911, but he said that we'd be on our way before they arrived.

By the time I painfully lifted my legs into the front seat of our suburban and buried my head in a pillow, it was right around 2 am. Our 20 minute car ride to the hospital only took about 15 minutes as no one was on the road, we got all green lights and my Husband drove with as much speed as possible without being reckless. Chris Tomlin was filling the car between my shouts as I informed Hubby that the baby would be coming out any moment. He began to pray that I hold on until the hospital. As if I had a choice. Ha!

After what seemed like an eternity, we pulled up and he quickly ran into the hospital to grab a wheelchair as I yelled at him not to leave me.

By this time, I was having back to back contractions and could not get out of the car, but somehow he managed to get me out, through the ER and into the elevator.

At this point, I told him to go to the 8th floor. He said that it was on the 2nd floor. I screamed that I was going to have the baby in the elevator. He hit the button for floor number 8. When the doors opened, we were on the wrong floor and he pressed "2" (he hasn't really gotten on me about this since he knows I wasn't really in my right mind, otherwise I might never hear the end of it).

We got off on floor 2, labor & delivery, and went immediately into a delivery room. I didn't check in, I didn't change my clothes--- and when the nurse checked me, the baby was there.

As it turned out, they had to wake up the doctor on call at the time, who just happened to be MY doctor! We arrived at the hospital at 2:15 am and River was born at 2:38 am. Just like that!

To read about Jasper's birth click here

To read about Ruby's birth click here

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

howdy pardner.

Charlie has been asking for a partner. Parker has Lincoln. Ethan has Jasper. Sophia has Ruby.

Unfortunately we couldn't fill his order, but God did in His own perfect timing.

Charlie was super excited before little River's arrival because he knew that his birth would mean that he would now have a buddy.

So now that baby is here, Charlie gets to help me with River in so many ways. It could be anything from holding him, giving him a binky when fussing, checking on his every whimper... he does these things not because his Mommy asked him, but because he feels blessed to have a baby in our home who he can help care for in any way he's able.

And this makes Charlie feel even more special than he already is.

Friday, April 13, 2012

a little about today.

I know I've mentioned it a million times, but I really do love rainy days.

I love looking out my front window at all the colorful flowers in my garden while the rain comes down. Then something will be said from one of my children like Parker about how he wishes we all lived in the Garden of Eden.

Today is the perfect day to be inside--with the lights low, rain pouring down with lightning and thunder and a little newborn snug in his blanket.

River has been a wonderful little baby.

He only wants to sleep and snuggle which I am more than happy about. He seems to be nursing about every three hours and at times I even need to wake him up to feed him.

He's a far cry from a few of the baby's I've had with colic or who wanted to nurse every hour. So for me to say that River is really just perfect is not an exaggeration.

And I have already been asked multiple times if he's going to be our answer.....what ever God wants.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

back to reality.

Well-- it was either Hubby would take Monday and Tuesday off and go back to work on Wednesday or he would take off Monday, work Tuesday, then take off again on Wednesday.

We chose the 2nd option thinking that it would break up the week more.

He also needed to get back to school to submit his 3rd quarter grades and put out assignments for his classes. I don't pretend to know what he does while at school, but at this point, I don't really care-- I just wanted him home with me!

And so it was, that when Jasper went fishing in a pee filled toilet bowl splashing like a human sprinkler and Ruby undid her diaper only to pee all over the boy's bedroom carpet, I was thinking why isn't he here with me?!

You'd think that with me and seven other sets of eyes, someone would've seen these crimes in progress and we could've put a stop to them, but no-- no one saw a thing until it was too late.

Did I mention the three kids with colds?

Amazingly, the kids did all their chores and I was able to shower before 9 am this morning.

The baby has been great in his nursing and sleeping and Parker saved the day by being an expert with the carpet cleaner. He's got it down to a science and was able to get the carpet shampooed faster than I could say, "Where's your Dad?!"

So by 3:40 pm this afternoon, when hubby walked in the door, all was in order. Toys were stowed, clothes were folded and put away, kids were napping, and I even had a smile on my face.

I can't wait till he returns to work on Thursday...ha!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

sunday's 'new' child.

River Truth
Born: April 7, 2012
2:38 am
9 lbs.
22 in.

Contractions began immediately after
my water broke at 12:40 am
We arrived at the hospital at 2:15 am
Little baby arrived at 2:38 am

Sunday, April 1, 2012